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Ryker is a beautiful liver roan patched/ ticked male,  he was whelped in Feb 2021 in  South Carolina. He has a bold, confident, calm, and loving disposition, but as soon as its time to work, he is ready.  


Ryker tested in his NAVHDA Natural Ability Test  in April 2022 and received a prize 1 with a max score of 112 points. . His desire to work impressed the judges. As time goes on I have been patient while training for UT, as we do not have access to many swamps in our area and the duck search is in our way, but I know he may have the potential to become a Versatile Champion, I have every intention of getting him there, slow and steady just wins the race.


In AKC my plan for Ryker is to skip SH, and work on his MH. My hopes are to have him titled by spring 2024.


This guy is truly the definition of versatility, He helps track deer during hunting season, find sheds, duck hunts, upland birds, and last year my friend borrowed him to help him guide at George Hi Plantation in Garland, NC.


I could write a book about this dog, but most important is he is my side kick most any place I go.

Royal S Ryker JH NA1 112

ryker hunting.jpg

Feyra Von Dem Feuerhaus NA 1 110


Vora is from Dem Feuerhaus Gun Dogs in Hondo, Texas. I decided on her because I fell in love with her mother Hannah. When I found out Hannah was expecting a litter, I had to reserve a spot for a puppy at that moment. Vora's sire is Conan Haus Irbis, or Luka, imported from Romania owned by Dem Feuerhaus Gun Dogs also. "Luka is a close ranging dog with a lot of point and a natural caution on birds. He has a natural retrieve on land and in water."      Vora is showing that she has a lot of the same qualities as Hannah, She is very calm in the house with all the drive you could want while working, from the field to water.


Vora had her Natural Ability test at Costal Plains NAVHDA in Snow Hill, NC October 8th, 2023 and obtained a Prize 1 110! In the future, I also plan on entering her in HRC tests, She loves the water and retrieving.

I decided to skip JH with her.


My goal with Vora is to help her become as versatile as possible. She showed me that she had fur drive when she decided to bring me a dead skunk, and got offended when I wouldn't let her deliver it to hand. I am going to see her drive towards racoons as well in the near future. 


Because of Vora, I have really developed a love for German Shorthairs with european bloodlines. She is really going to help me get in the direction I want to be in, and I am excited to help her grow into an amazing dog.


Inez Von Dem Feuerhaus "Illa"

We are so excited to pick this girl up from Dem Feuerhaus Gun Dogs in Hondo, Texas! I expect Illa to help promote versatility in my upcoming kennel.

​Here is some information about her sire and dam:(From the breeder Renay Thomas)​


Androscoggin von der Nezinscot D1 S1 BTR VGP1 312 HN LN NA1 112 UT2 192

 Jäger is a young, well accomplished male. His cooperation, desire and obedience made training and hunting him easy for a first time handler. Jäger goes non-stop all day through the upland woods of Maine. On cold wintery mornings you will find him crashing the river from the bank to eagerly retrieve wounded ducks. He does not give up and never fails to produce wounded or dead game. He has proven to be an extremely capable blood tracker. Jäger comes from a proven blood line and serves to improve any qualified female's line. 2019 was a busy year where he performed excellently in five tests under two testing systems including passing the BTR. He followed 2019 with a great year in 2020. He trained for and completed the VGP with a prize 1, 312 points (max points possible on a day track) with a 4H in blood tracking. He has excellent lines all around with the highly desired old style head. He obtained his “V” rating in 2020. His drive in the field and water makes him an easy dog to train and hunt. Conversely with the flip of a switch, he waits silently in the blind or cuddled up at your feet, waiting for the next task to complete. His nose is excellent and reliable. The future holds endless possibilities to which he desires to succeed. He has been featured in the USA Today Hunt edition for his versatile retrieving skills. Jäger is the total package of conformation, high drive, willingness to please and love.

​Hennessy von Magic City NA1 UT2 183 RDX DS

Hannah is a natural born retriever; she lives for it! She has brought 2 birds back at once and event attempted to drag blackbuck and axis back to us that she tracked. She has a strong water drive and never hesitated to enter the water at 10 weeks old when I brought her home to south Texas from Montana. Hannah comes from all European lines that not only excel in the field and water, but also the show ring. She has nearly all of her UKC Ch points in only 1 weekend of showing. She has been a guide dog for me on south Texas quail, ducks, and even recovered multiple axis deer. She hunts everything with us, across multiple states, feather and fur, water and land. She is truly a versatile shorthair. With as much drove as she has, the off switch on this dog is amazing. She is one you have to physically drag out of bed, unless you wake up at 3am. Then she knows we are going somewhere fun and will beat you to the truck. She adjusts her range with the terrain she is hunting. Typically staying close in the south Texas brush and reaching out to 400 yards on the prairies.

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